No, I am not returning to school.  Someone told me after I graduated college, “Oh, you’ll get bored pretty soon and go back to get your graduate degree.” ………..ummmmm……no.

I DID enjoy school though (for the most part).  At least I enjoyed “back to school.”  The beginning of each year was exciting for me.  I would get some new school supplies like a cool new pencil that smelled like berries or something like that.  Then on our first day, I would pack my backpack with every schoolbook I owned, set off proudly, walk ’round and ’round our drive and come in to the house, my school.

It’s just now starting to feel like school season.  We always started after Labor Day, and I’m pretty sure everyone else did too.  What is the deal with starting at the beginning of August now?!?!  That would be considered SUMMER, folks.  When I have kids, and they pack their backpacks just to walk right back into the house, we will begin after Labor Day like real people.  (Sorry, little soapbox there.)

My back to school experience today was beginning the ladies Bible study at church again.  Unfortunately, the past two semesters haven’t been conducive to attending a weekly Bible study.  Therefore, I was very excited to get back to it this fall.  Most of the same women come back year after year to study The Word under the video teaching of Beth Moore.  Sometimes it would be easier just to do the video at home, but coming and fellowshipping with friends is just special.

So we sat and listened and drank coffee and chatted and gleaned some insight on God’s teaching.  And I pictured in my mind those fall days all those years ago when a little home school kid smelled her new pencil and walked around the driveway.  I’m excited for all the possibilities the future holds in learning as I once again go back to “school.”